Welcome Prof. Wenjie Feng from South China University of Technology to be the Keynote Speaker!

Welcome Prof. Wenjie Feng from South China University of Technology to be the Keynote Speaker!


Prof. Wenjie Feng, South China University of Technology, China


Wenjie Feng (Senior Member, IEEE) was born in Shangqiu, Henan, China, in 1985. He received the B.Sc. degree from the First Aeronautic College of the Airforce, Xinyang, China, in 2008, and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the Nanjing University of Science and Technology (NUST), Nanjing, China, in 2010 and 2013, respectively. 

From July 2017 to September 2017, he was a Research Fellow with the City University of Hong Kong. From October 2010 to March 2011, he was an Exchange Student with the Institute of High Frequency Engineering, Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany. He is currently a Professor with South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China. He has authored or coauthored over 100 IEEE journal articles (including 70 IEEE TRANSACTIONS papers) and 80 conference papers. His research interests include wideband circuits and technologies, microwave and millimeter-wave circuits and components, circuits interconnection, and packaging.

Dr. Feng was a recipient of the National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars in 2018, the Young Scientist Award of ACES-China 2018, and a reviewer for over 20 internationally refereed journals and conferences. He currently serves as an Associate Editor for IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, IET Electronics Letters and International Journal of Electronics.

  主持国家及省部级等项目共计10余项。在国际期刊和会议上发表论文200余篇,其中SCI收录IEEE期刊论文110余篇 (IEEE Transactions论文80余篇),论文引用5000余次。受邀合作编写英文书籍的一章 , 获授权国家发明专利30余项。目前担任多个SCI期刊的副主编。已培养江苏省优秀硕士论文2名,获国内外学术会议最佳学生论文奖4项。